Heavenly Link for Gerard…

Yesterday I had a great start to the day and was appointed by Woodside Church to review their gas and electricity spend. I look forward to reporting back to their management team once I’ve established when their contract expires. In the meantime let me let you a little about this  contemporary, Bible-believing Christian church based in Bedford.

It is a  large family of people of all ages, united by a love of God and are passionate about living their lives in a way that makes a difference to the people around them. The church is a community of people drawn from many different social and ethnic backgrounds, just like Bedford itself.

Woodside meet together on Sundays at 10.30am in a modern building located in the heart of the Putnoe area of Bedford. They also gather throughout the week in smaller groups meeting in homes across the town. Woodside run weekly programmes for children, young people, parents with small children and those seeking special personal help.

Everyone is welcome to be a part of the life of our church, wherever you’re from, whatever your age and whatever your background.

Woodside Church belongs to the Newfrontiers family of churches.

Will this footballer get a place in the Ath’s team?

Aging soccer player late signing for Bedford Athletic Rugby Club

If you’re a Bedford Athletic fan don’t worry Hendry Rheeders and Val Jones haven’t lost the plot!

The finance team of one of Bedford’s oldest sporting club’s has invited me to review their energy spend to ensure they are getting best value. As an independent utility broker I am able to check my client’s are on the right tariff.

The club won’t be charged a fee for the review and I won’t keep any of the savings which may emerge from me tendering The Ath’s energy on the open market either.

So if you’d like me to be part of your team please call me on 0800 458 9643 …at worst I’ll confirm the costs you are paying are right for your level of consumption, at best I’ll improve those rates to help your business spend its money on more interesting things!

You can be part of the team at Bedford Ath